Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Procrastination and Power Outages

Was without power for most of the day today.  Am now trying to catch up on work I had hoped to accomplish during the snow day.  Namely:  Choosing 3 shows that i will direct with my thursday night drama classes.

I only have so many physical copies of scripts to read.  The bulk of my shows come from which is the SHIT because they let you read ' free sample', and by that they really mean a PDF of the whole fucking scripts, save the very last page.  No lie.  It is awefome.  Other play publishers dick you over by giving you a catalogue (physical and\or virtual) to peruse, and expect you to be able to make a solid decision based on the conflated blurbs they write up.  Gag me.  This invariably leads to disappointment.  "But it sounded so good in the catalogue..."  and then the perusal arrives and it is god awful. 

So thanks and AMEN to playscripts for being really progressive.  It has made my life infinitely better, and as a result, guess who gets more business?  yup.

So presently I'm *supposed* to be reading sub-par children's theatre selections and trying to choose the ones I hate the least.  Oh, wouldn't it be fun to do some Ibsen once in a while?  or some mamet or some albee for Christ's sake?  "Hey kids, today we'll be doing scenes from a favorite playwrite of mine, Neil Labute!, just ignore the swear words..."

Kid:  "....the....and....but.... um, is 'slut' a swear?"


One exciting thing is that i'm thinking of doing some shakespeare with my oldest class.  The challenge inherent in this is that most young people, EVEN young theatre people, have decided pre-emptively, that they hate and can't understand shakepeare, a catastrophe our highschools do nothing to correct or repair.  so the onus is on me to turn on the light and help them see how awesomesauce and actable, and fucking fantastic shakespeared can be.

Maybe because I've been sick for days, or maybe because I'm kinda burnt-out on teaching and theatre both, but I kinda don't FEEL like taking on that responsibility right now.  but I kinda do, too.  That's standard operating procedure for a libra.

I took time out of my task to work on a side-task for PM productions!  This made me feel productive and useful and valuable, which was nice.  I spent time compiling a brainstorm list of possible musicals we could do this summer, our inaugural season!! I have my fingers crossed that I will be able to do that job full time and not have to split my time between several jobs.  how nice it would be to have a home base, something I was truly invested in and cared deeply for.

Ok.  Back to the grind.  I swear.  You all should read some of this schlock. But at least I get to read it BEFORE I pay for it (thanks again playscripts, you are the shizzzzzzzz!), because a good director knows within the first two pages whether or not the piece is any good\will work.  So that's good, at least.  Quick way to narrow and eliminate.  What's the worst is when a play is soooo good and working for so much of the script and then something terrible happens and it is either really racist or incredibly dated or calls for some crazy integral special effects like flying or something and I have to abandon the script after I've invested so much time in it!

I had a great lunch today at Panera with the besties!  It was nice to go somewhere else, though the drive was treacherous.  School's cancelled again tomorrow which is a mixed blessing.  Happy to have the day again, not psyched about how this week's paycheck will look when i get it... but what can you do?

I would also super appreciate it if my brother-in-law would get the fuck out of the house.  Also, he is only working like 3 days a week, which is NOT GOOD BUSINESS!  I need him working and saving and getting the fuck out!!

Hmm.  that didn't sound charitable.  Im am 'optimistic' that he will get the fuck out?  Lol.  I don't think whitewashing it with the word optimism does the trick.  i think i actually need to focus on shifting my energy to a more positve place.  I'll think on it.

Had amazing sex last night.  There's a positive.  Eric was home, but he was asleep... i hope.  It was mind blowing and I got pretty vocal, but what can you do?  It was one of those things that started innocently enough, just cuddling and kissing and fondling, but then i started talking dirty and it was like phone sex, but in person!  Lot of hands and filthy talk, and after I'd come, like, seven times from the touching and talking we had to go for the gold, brother or no brother.  It was hotttttttt.

TMI?  too bad.   my blog.

Can ypou tell, though, that i am procrastinating?  Sigh.

Oooh, maybe a 30 day anti-procrastinating challenge, eh Emmy?  Emmy is inspiring me with her 30 day challenges this year.

I could use a real anti=procrastination movement in my life.  I'm always putting myself in these situations where i'm under the gun and...

Ok, ok, i'm going.  sheesh.

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