Tuesday, January 04, 2011

Optimism and Baby Names

Eric called in sick from to work this morning with a made-up story about vomiting and nausea.

Just let that soak in for a mo...

This is his brand new job he started this\last week.


Here goes.

I am OPTIMISTIC that Aaron will have the talk with him TONIGHT and lay a date on him--an evacuation date.  An End Date.  I am OPTIMISTIC that this will go well.  I am OPTIMISTIC that I will have my home back within the next two months.  Are you?

So there's your daily dose of optimism, in the face of adversity. 

I have not yet taken my vitamins, which I like to say with a British accent because it sounds so fun. I will take said, vitamins with lunch, as Eric's silliness threw me off my morning schedule and I didn't have time for b-fast.

What else... Gving the new hobbies some thought.  I'd like to get better at knitting, obviously, and danielle has suggested I become more of a chef.  This is a fun idea, but I always feel as though I'm in Aaron's shadow there, since he is so wonderful.  But I mean, I cook all the time.  I make dinner for us more often than he does, you know?  And I even have fun doing it more often than not.  I just lack the easy flair that he posesses innately, you know?  That ability to make something out of nothing?  To experiment successfully. To wow.

But here are two other hobbies I thought would compliment my skills and life as a drama educator, hobbies with real-world applications pertinent to my content area:


Right?  Two very time-intensive, practice-laden hobbies.  I've always always wanted to learn both, and both would serve me well in my career, but do I have the time???  We shall see.  Knitting is more manageable, less stressful, and I find that I am pretty quick at picking it up so far.  But can you imagine all my actors outfitted in knitted costumes? lol.

On the baby front:  TO get myself jazzed and optimistic about babies again I've been revising the names list!  We, Aaron and I, Have had names chosen forever, you know?  But Over the years the names get modified, adjusted, pared down, or removed entirely.

*First let me address why this process of choosing names for non-existent potential babies is so gratifying for me.  Because I realize it seems a little crazy.  And largely pointless.  And maybe even somewhat sad if if turns out we can't have children.  Which is why, for a long time, I stopped thinking about it.  Or imagining it. Or even really referencing the children other than, maybe, on occasion, Indy.  But I have to tell you that brainstorming names with Aaron is one of the most fun activities ever.  It makes us laugh. It is a collaboration.  A creative venture.  We have fun imagining what sort of people they'll be with the names we come up with.  Sometimes we get very silly, and we always have a great time.  It is also a fun way to check in with eachother.  See how on-the-same-page we are on things.  And lately Aaron has been very, very much on the 'let's have kids' bandwagon.  So, in order to let go of my reservations, my anxieties, and the trappings of doubt I still struggle under, I have decided to open my heart to possibility.  To potential.  To seeing things in a new way.  To branching out.  And so it is time to play the name game again.  TO fall in love with the idea of kids again.  In all actuality We have two solid, agreed-upon names chosen for the kids, one boy and one girl, and with my advancing years who even knows if we'll be able to have more than two?  But I have always needed contingency names.  Extra names.  Reserves.

So here we go into name-land.  And while we're exploring, Aaron and I have already discovered some awesome names that we love, but that just wouldn't be right for our kids-- but would make excellent fictional character names!  So that's a very fun and inspirational.


Ok.  I just had a computer crash and lost a bunch of my post :(  Obviously the above is intact, but I had quite a bit after here that was about names.  Maybe I'll just take a break for now and come back with more about names later. 

SOrry.  Just.  YOu know how it is?  When you're working on something and then it crashes and you've lost a whole chunk forever?  The other day I was working on a very cathartic piece of writing when suddenly microsoft decided it needed to update, right that very minute, and it shut down my computer without asking and I lost everything!  Aaron combed through the files and the computer's back doors until he was able to recover an unformatted and incomplete version of what I'd been working on, but it just wasn't the same.  Word only saves once every ten minutes and this gal can say alot in ten minutes.  So that piece, which was intended to be posted saturday or sunday, never got posted.  Also, I never achieved catharsis.  GOt myself all stewed up and then bleck.  I was kind of a mess.

Anyway.  How about this?  How about you send me words that could also make excellent names?  Because much of my post was about how Aaron and I have decided we likely want to go with word or place names for our boys.  I'm more intersted in boys names than girls, because it is so easy to make good girls names out of most anything.  Just the other day we decided we like days of the week and chose Friday.  Aaron thinks this would be an adorable girls name.  I think it could be a good guys name too, but admit that it sounds way better for a sassy girl.

So send me listy lists of awesome sounding words.  Who cares if they're outrageous?!  At the brainstorming stage you almost never dismiss an idea.  Bring it to the proverbial table and let's play!

Words as names!  Go:


emmy. said...

Michael and I have names and personalities picked out too! We only really have one potential female and she is very clumsy and either is quite the charmer or very dramatic. One boy is the leader in the family while the other is very delicate.

As for words for names, my car's name is Squat.

Yelp! said...

a friend of mine one time recommended Magenta! ;)