Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Cedar Falls VIRGINS

There are no virgins in Cedar Falls!  Just kidding.  There sure are.  But they don't stay that way for too long... ;)

Anyway.  Thanks EMMY for the shout out!  Ay Cielos!  

So Cedar Falls is a writing experiment that I've undertaken with the caveat that EVERYONE in CEDAR FALLS HAS SECRETS.  That was the only rule for writing.  That, and write everyday and don't be hyper critical!  It is a paralyzing, crippling habit of mine to be too hard on myself and expect perfection, which most generally results in NOTHING getting accomplished as I am, alas, only human and not physically capable of perfection (or anything approaching it!).  So the rule was:  Write, and don't dwell, and let loose, and 

So expect Typos.  And Schlock.  And Silliness.  And Plotholes.  But also expect to have fun, be titillated, be intrigued and I dunno, enjoy?

I started with THIS POST (and its companion THIS ONE) which throws you SMACK into the action of 23 years ago.  Then I skip around willy nilly with the same basic set of characters.  There are some WHOPPING BIG SECRETS in this town.  Not all of my blog entries contain this fiction, and many contain both a blog update FOLLOWED BY some fiction, so have fun exploring.  I'm toying with the idea of opening up a CEDAR FALLS only blog and setting up some sort of order to the thing, but this all sprang up organically and I rather like to look back at how it has evolved.

And I even have Guest Author posts now and then too!!  Same Town, different set of characters, more awful secrets!

Click here (2) and here (3) for Yelling Pigeon's

Here for Aaron's

I SINCERELY hope for more contributions in the not-too-distant future!

And, hey, thanks in advance for checking this guilty pleasure out.  I encourage you to sit down and try to dream up some folks with secrets.  Everybody's got 'em, and they're fun as hell sometimes!  Much love,


1 comment:

Yelp! said...

a CF only blog would kinda be nice. then i would have a better idea of where i left off! :)