Friday, June 22, 2012


So, after--what--a month or more of trying to find a new direction for my blog, I have yet to hit on anything that interests me enough to sustain daily, or even weekly writing.

This inability to land on a passion is rather alarming to me.  It indicates that I have (gasp) no passion.  No verve.  No special purpose (lol.  have you seen The Jerk with Steve Martin?).

It is no secret that I hadn't felt passionate about teaching English.  Nor should it be a surprise that since a failed theatre endeavor, I hadn't been feeling anything more than malaise for theatre, teaching theatre, and the like.  And, incidentally, I assure you, Spell-check, that I know how to spell theatre.  The little red squiggle underneath the word every single time is more than irritating.  It is downright maddening.  I have an entire degree in Theatre.  Nay, make that TWO mother-fucking degrees in Theatre.  Now, I'll be the first to admit that I make plenty o'spelling errors, but THEATRE is not among them.

For the lay audience:

Theatre= the art form. 
Theater= the buolding in which it is housed.

"I went to see a piece of theatre last night at the brand new Globe Theater."  See?  Ta-daaaaaa.

Isn't there SOMEONE at spell-check headquarters that could explain this simple distinction and alter the programming?  It feels almost as if the spell-check is invalidating an entire life spent in the pursuit and dedication to the art form.  Like it isn't real.  Made up.  Some bull shit major, instead of the oldest form of expression and teaching under the sun.  Second only to goddamned prostitution.  No red line under that one.  Prostitution is well accepted by spell-check.  Grrr.


School, and my career in B-rock, has just ended.  Summer program has just begun.  I am tired.  Bone-tired.  And need, desperately need, a vacation.

But I won't get one until mid august.

Would you further like to know the difference between Drama and Theatre?  Maybe next time, folks.  Don't want to give away all the secrets at once, do we?  I have paid hundreds of thousands of dollars in theoretical money for these chestnuts, and I can't be spilling the beans in one silly blog entry, now can I?

Second interview today.

Let me put it into the universe:  I want to land this job.

I used to think it was a jinx.

I'm trying to put the positive spin on it and believe in putting it into the universe.

I want to get this job.  Please.

Aaron's going to iron my blouse when he awakes.

The rest, as they say, is up to me.

Tuesday, June 12, 2012


My husband tells me, and the children with whom he works: "If you're bored, you're boring."

I'm bored right now.

Of course I SHOULD be doing plenty of things.  It is the end of the year and it is a veritable whirlwind of last-minute-ry. But the truth is that the doing of those things would result in making me both more bored and infinitely more boring.

so I do the twenty-first century equivalent of twiddling my thumbs; I search the internet, following one whim after  another, time ticking away until I must meet (with half a heart and even less of a brain) my next of the day's many obligations.

Idle hands are the devil's playthings.

But here idle hands are restricted to work-safe sites.

So, really, idle hands are just the playthings of a task-avoidant middle school teacher.

Which is infinitely more boring.

Wednesday, June 06, 2012

The Long Goodbye

Perhaps:  The Reinvention of Ms. Reardon

Or:  Square Pegs in Round Holes; an exploration.

Still pondering.

And amazed at how very very long these next few weeks will be.  In so very many ways.

Today was one of those very long days--and it ain't over yet.  I still have to go to HR, then to therapy.  Good Grief.

Monday, June 04, 2012



still no idea on a theme for the ole blogarooney.

how can I be so terribly uninspired?

perhaps it is just the end of a long, long school year sapping my juices.

maybe I ought to use the name of the blog as inspiration!

Incomparable!  I could blog about things I deem incomparble.  things, people, ideas, whatevers.

I'll mull that over.

I am definitely still taking suggestions.

meanwhile--keep being fiercely incomparable my darlings!