Thursday, January 12, 2006

New Year's Comic!


Happy new year everyone! It was wonderful seeing so many friends and family members over christmas break, short though it may have been, it felt great. Now I'm back to the grind. You wouldn't think theatre work is a grind, and it certainly isn't manual labor, but this semester especially has been taxing. Running to and fro for duet rehearsals, scene practice, dialects class, voice lessons and the all the regular course work- it is a bit overwhelming. I'm told this semester is designed to make or break you- grace under pressure, get your act together or get out of the business, that sort of thing. I'm innundated, but the light at the end of the tunnel I'm trudging through is this: I'M ALMOST DONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Soon I'll be committing to a photographer for headshots, be putting my resume together and really be auditioning for actual work. Professional, paid, real-time work! Also, we are elligible for auditions at a great time for casting; Summerstock and national tours are always casting in early spring, so the odds are on the up side.

No matter how stressed I get, how down on myself or behind in homework, I remind myself how blessed I am to have such an incredible opportunity and a family who are so supportive and generous. I love you all and you keep me going.

Hey, did you hear the latest? My appetite has grown beyond just theatre and I'm thinking about finishing my degree at the New School where I'll be looking into film making!! What do you think, the next Spielberg? M. Night Shyamalan? Cecil B.

With Love and Affection, (and great big dreams)