Sunday, January 30, 2011

Grown Ass Woman

New Challenge for the week:  Grow the Fuck Up! 


Advice from a dear friend; advice I seek to heed.  Grow up, get a life, and live the life you're in.  I waste too much time yearning for things instead of spending time in the present.  Too much time wasting my nows with wishes for what's to come.  I need to get my heart, my head, and my ambition into the moment.

There's too much unnecessary angst the other way.  Too much needless strife.

So it is my endeavor to grow the fuck up!  I mean this in the most positive way possible, lol.  Not, like, grow up and lose your sense of wonder or imagaination, or creativity or anything.  Just act your age as well.  I am a GROWN ASS WOMAN as my favorite new mentor at work would say, and it is about fucking time I started behaving as such.

Maybe that includes giving it a rest with the 'dear diary' bullshit?  A blog ought to be more than that, oughtn't it?  I don't know.  I had thought that it was a sort of catch-all, a web to catch your voice--the good the bad the ugly, all of it.

But now I'm not so sure.  Maybe I should try to focus on a message, a vision, or something loftier.

We shall see.

The blog stays for now, but we shall see if I can morph it into something a GROWN ASS WOMAN could be proud of.

Maybe I'll even cease ending sentences with prepositions?  Meh.  The vernacular demands it of me.

1 comment:

Yelp! said...

dont lose the bloggy!!!!!