Monday, March 15, 2010

SO I didn't blog yesterday. Almost forgot to blog today. The thing about habit and routine- they are so damned easy to fall out of.

Did I even blog saturday? Oh Man.

In fact, I shouldn't blog long today- I should be furiously updating my resume and cover letters and getting them out to folks!

Let me just reference Saturday's Drama festival. One of my hopes was that the festival might re-charge my creative battery. It did that. I some some very, very strong HS shows on Saturday, one of which BLEW MY MIND! It was so fucking amazing. Aaron sums it up when he said: "I think that may just be the best High school show I've EVER seen." and later adding: "That was better than most colleges... that was professional quality... I'd pay money to see that." And he's also right in the assertion that all HS theatre directors should watch this production if possible and hoping there's somewhare a video of it.

North Reading took Moliere's The Miser, cut it to 40 minutes (allowed time for festival) and made it an Absurdist, Deconstructionist, Avante-Garde spectacular! Every student actor in that show had a unique and informed and stylized physicalization that was completely and thoroughly explored. I could tell as a theatre person that the rehearsal process was a creative, constructive, and fully supportive one. Not once in this show did I see anything expected, tired, conventional, or bland. Every choice was a bold one, and yet somehow fully supported by the rest of the show.

ALL the theatrical elements were evenly amazing. The costumes, the Set, the Lights, the Make-up, the choreography, the blocking, the sound, EVERYTHING played off everything else and the show was a COMPLETE PACKAGE.

Really, I had very few problems with the show and those were mostly over-look-able due to the spectacular end result of this show.

About 4 minutes into the show Aaron writes on his program page: GOING ON! which means he anticipated this would be a winner that day. About 15 minutes into the show he amends his earlier assertion with: THIS COULD WIN AT STATES, and I agree. Two weeks from yesterday and we'll know which three schools took the top honors at the MHSDG state festival. I hope this is one of them.

Bravo NORTH READING and your production of THE MISER. (BTW, it looked even better on our stage than in these pics because Brockton has a huge Cyclorama in the back instead of just a black curtain, and they went with a bright Red wash for the whole show and -even though I normally hate red washes because they feel cliche- this was a fabulous, appropriate, and bold choice!)

Bourne's wonderful and fully realized production of a touching show called Salt and Pepper (not Salt 'N' Peppa, as I was so desperately hoping it would be) Also moved on and deservedly so. The show was strong. Had all the elements and not really many weaknesses. It was a good show.

Brockton, unfortunately, did not go on, though I believe strongly that the second winning slot of the day came down to Brockton and Bourne. Can't win them all. And you know what else? You can't say "we were robbed" because Obviously the Miser was stunning (I mean no Fucking question), and Bourne's show was really strong as well. AND Brockton put on a great show, no mishaps, no tragic "If Only"s. They played hard and they lost honorably. It just sucks so much if you lose and some ridiculous school went on and its hard to see why (which has happened and it sucks, its frustrating, it makes you want to scream and cry and kick something!).

Anywho, I'm glad we went to drama festival. Even the plays that were not winners gave me alot to think about as a future director, offered something I could learn from and consider. It was a good day. LONG AS FUCK, but good.

Now as for securing a job of my own... To Be Continued...

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