Whoopsie. Missed a day there.
It was a pretty busy, away-from-the-computer kind of day for me yesterday.
Started off pleasant, in post-coital bliss, then quickly devolved into a very nasty, ridiculous argument with my husband. Yuck yuck yuck.
Then dropped $400.00 to replace the alternator on Aaron's froggy wagon, had breakfast with my mom--and folks, she's at the age where the bulk of her conversation pertains to medical issues one would rather not discuss over a meal-- especilly when one has ordered eggs and hollandaise sauce. Gross. Besides? Everything about my mum & dad's sitch is depressing. and gloomy. and infinitely frustrating.
That's another kettle of fish.
Then-- a great thing-- I went to visit with D and the Bean! Made my week, to tell the truth. Ahhhh. It feels so good to get some female energy and perspective in my world! You might not notice it at first, but living with a guy and that guy's brother can really do weird things to the hormones, I think. It was nice to find some peace and balance and power in being a woman! And besides the awesome chat, the laughs, the advice, the encouragement and the sexy talk, I got to hold and bounce and play with the incredible Miss Zoe P! Her smiles light up a room!
Oh, and don't underestimate the power of a mary lou's coffee in your hand. I'm tellin ya.
K, then to work, but first I had to pick up the husband from HS to drive to our mutual work at the elementary. Chilly. At least at first. i waited until he chose to speak to gauge what mood he was in. See, I already felt alot better about the argument because I'd had a chance to laugh about it and process it with my bestie, so I wasn't actually angry at all, but I definitely needed him to do the approaching on this one.
And he did. He was conciliatory, and kind, and sweet. So I responded in kind. We said the requisite "I love you"s before he headed in to aftercare. Then somehow I recieved a voicemail from Brockton Human Resources but managed to never hear the phone ring or even have a missed call (curse you Verizon!!). So I promptly listen to the message and guess the fuck what? They want to offer me the job, and I should call them back if I'm interested.
So I do. Get put on hold. Have to call back. Struggle with shitty reception, but eventually and FINALLY I am hired for a goddamn job! I am goint to be an MTA at BHS FULL TIME!! With bennies. The job is basically being the school bitch-- doing whatever they need whenever they need it, but whatevs! I am stoked! A little anxious (because anxiety is my default state), but relieved beyond measure.
It doesn't answer all my problems and woes like a magic wand-- I'm not making enough for that, but goddammit, does it ever help! Full time job. Wowza. Plus the afterschool job. holla!
So yay.
Then work was fun. I helped kids with homework and then played legos. The boys playing legos seemed shocked and curious that I was a female teacher and enjoyed building badass looking spaceships out of legos.
Then we came home and all hell broke loose, but to be honest I don't want to break it all down here at present. Suffice it to say that Aaron and I argued again, then he was awesome pants, I had a sobbing, sniffling, ugly-cry breakdown, and then slowly but surely began to heal and feel alot better. i've been keeping things so pent-up, keeping this armor on--because what other choice do I have, really? It's either get tough or breakdown at every bump in the road, you know? and my little road has been pretty fucking bumpy as of late. But anyway, it was good for Aaron to dismantle the armor, strip it off me, and exfoliate realllllll good. I feel shiny and healthy and much better balanced than I have for a while.
Then i made english muffin pizzas for dinner because I was just too exhausted to do anything more elaborate (or healthy), and they were yum city.
holy hell, this post got long. What a day yesterday, eh?
So that's what's happening in my neck of the woods. I start monday. Yup. Today and tomorrow I need to run around and get paperwork finalized and shit, email the school districts in whiich I sub to let them know /i am no longer available and blah blah blah.
i am also going to trot out the vibrator, because Aaron and I had alot of fun this morning, but I really wanted to be in charge and make him... well, you know what I'm getting at, but then we ran out of time for me to get off, so I'll just see to that myself :) Unless my brother-in-law comes home sick AGAIN.
So I'll likely post some writing too, since I was delinquent yesterday. Enjoyz. and thank you all for your constant encouragement, your best wishes and your belief that it would happen eventually.
Today an MTA, maybe next year a real-life, honest-to-goodness, full-time teacher in my own right?!?!?!?
hope so!
maybe we should coffee one more time before u go to work?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thanks ladies!! Power of the female!
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