Thursday, October 14, 2010

Fish and Visitors?


Spent yesterday morning miserable with a sinus cold and cleaning the house in anticipation of our houseguest. I liked Danielle's suggestion that maybe said houseguest's boyfriend should be the one to scour the house from top to bottom, but alas, boys are gross and would be content with a brief tidying rather than get on their hands and knees and really clean the place.

So that's how I spent my morning.

And whilst I was on hands and knees and employing mine elbow grease, all I kept thinking was: the more times you break up with this girl the less I want to put myself out for her arrival!

However, once everything was sparkling clean, smelling good and looking like a kitchy model home, I sure felt better about life. Funny how that happens, eh?

And then work. Where I get paid a silly amount of money to help kids with homework and then color with markers.

And then... time to come home and meet the girlfriend! Oh man, was I ever nervous!

But guess what? I super like her alot!! She is clean (sorry to lead with that descriptor, but Eric's last girlfriend was a nasty, yucky, gross, ugly, icky blob of a creature-- so clean matters!), friendly, smart, articulate, comfortable to be around, sweet, kinda funny (not as funny as the rest of us, but funny for a normal person, lol.), respectful, tidy (she did all the dishes they'd used for lunch-- I had no ide they'd cooked in my kitchen whilst I was gone!!!!), and she gave me a REAL hug, not a wimpy bitch hug. It was a hearty, firm, enthusiastic hug!!

We ordered pizza (I felt too much pressure about what I should make because she is italian and apparently a good cook, so there was all this, like, angst on my part about whipping up some stellar vegetarian meal!), and we made cookies! We all chatted and then watched a tv show and then it was off to bed since Eric has to work at six and I'm the driver :)

Today is important because I have a job interview at BHS for an assistant teaching position. Wish me all the luck in the world because I really don't know how we can live much longer unless I have a real income. I have never really done a job interview. Funny, I left the theatre because I didn't like auditioning, but now that I'm facing the prospect of walking into an interview I'm almost wishing that I could have prepared 16 bars and 2 contrasting monologues and call it a day! I'm a little out of my depth here.

So fingers crossed, because apparently everywhere else where they SAY they have a job posting, they're just kidding and "that position has already been filled." Oh. Okay. Thank you, have a nice day...


WitchyEditor said...

ooh i'm excited! sending you many good vibes for your interview!

Yelp! said...

call me promptly with'ye update!

Jin said...

I'm working with Zicam; for sinus colds, visit for $2 off Zicam Intense Sinus Relief Nasal Gel.