Monday, October 18, 2010

A monday in autumn.

aaron has car trouble.

I got a speeding ticket.

Debt is piling up and ends just aren't meeting, somehow.

Still there's love.  Always love.  rich and full and pervasive and bolstering love.

It's autumn now, really truly autumn.  My very favorite season.

I just don't think we can keep going.  Something's really gotta give, and I'm so sick of holding my breath.

Also?  Autumn is the time of year that makes me start eyeing real-estate.  It makes me want to nest.  To put down roots and have my very own hearth and home, not a rented one or a borrowed one or a temporary one. 

This autumn i have fallen in love with a few already and my heart aches for the day Aaron and I can even THINK about looking for our first house.  Honestly?  I'm thinking it isn't likely to be for a long, long time.  As we stand now we'll be lucky just to keep the apartment.

Sorry.  I didn't intend this to pour out of my fingers when I sat down.  I actually had a lovely day.  Not sure where this is coming from.

I guess it's just that point in the cycle where this all surfaces, rears it's ugly head and stares at me from the mirror. 

So here it be.  here I am.  here we all are.

And there is love.  Still.  Despite all odds, love.  Enduring, persisting, relentless and inspiring love.

So amen to that.

And I'm sorry, so, so sorry i killed that spider yesterday.  I wish I could have that fateful moment over to try again!!

1 comment:

Yelp! said...

speeding tickets suck because not only do you have to pay the fine, but you get 2 points on your driving record, which is like an extra $200 a year on your car insurance for like 6 years. boo! sorry to hear about this.