Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Time for change, time to rearrange!

sing it peter brady!

Have spent much of the day cleaning and reorganizing for the imminent arrival of our indefinite houseguest, My brother-in-law, aaron's brother eric.

I love eric and am excited to see him again.

And i really want to be able to open our home to him. because that's what family does for eachother.

There was this whole big debacle over at aaron's grandmother's house before he left for florida, a big fiasco that still rankles and burns me up, so yes, yes I am more than happy to have a place to offer my brother.

Because that's what a family does.

Anywho. Rearranging is exhausting. Plus this apartment is really not ideal for more than a couple to inhabit. And I don't mean a couple as in quantity, I mean a married or intimate couple. None of these walls, save the bathroom, actually go to the cieling. It's one big open concept kind of this really. And it is my favorite place in the world. But I am wondering how comfortable eric will feel living here with so little privacy.

I am also, frankly, wondering how aaron and I will manage to 'have intimacy'. You know how they use that term to be all clinical. lol.

i think we'll manage intimacy just fine, it's the fucking I'm worried about! Sheesh. We have enough privacy to cuddle and maybe even get away with fellatio, but everything else? I'm a little stumped.

We'll see. you may well get a whole slew of blogs rife with sexual frustration in the coming weeks and months, so be prepared! lol.

Oh, and still no job. fun fun. and i got a call from my brother letting me know he'd paid one of my school loan bills since it was crazy overdue and they musty have been calling him (co-signer). awesome right? I'm pretty much failing at life at present and i gotta tell ya, it ain't fun. No I have to call my brother back and explain to him. how can I even explain?

Insert heavy sigh here.

I gotta get back to house cleanin. Wish us luck?


WitchyEditor said...

How generous of you to share your space with an indefinite houseguest. We tried to do that once and it only lasted a few days. However our situation was F**ed up. I"ll tell you about it someday.

You'll just have to get creative when it comes to the intimacy. lol

"Okay Eric, we're going for a car ride...we're going to the park...we're going church ;)

this could totally fuel your creative fire :) can't wait to hear about it..lol

Yelp! said...

I was gonna ask you about this sex concern, because I too, had thought about this. . . like, HOW ON EARTH IS BETH GONNA HAVE QUIET SEX?! NO WAY! That's how. Eeeek.