Monday, July 25, 2011

You Wouldn't like me when I'm... Sore-Throat-y!!



I thought at first that it was a touch sore from the deep throating I had performed last night (That happens sometimes...blame the endowment!  I actually kinda like that kind of soreness after... but I digress...)  But NAY!  The sreness stuck around, got worse, and as of right now ASPIRIN ain't touchin' this baby.



Have oyu ever known me when I've been suffering an honset to goodness, and not blowjob-on-a-hung-guy kind of sore throat?  Well, let me tell you:

I AM A FUCKING BABY when it comes to sore throats.  Some people are wusses (what a silly looking word.  Also, what is the proper way to write that something was all pus-y?  Like, as in, filled with pus? Is it: Hey, my infected finger is all pussy?  heeheehee... OWWW my Throat hurts! *pout pout whine cry:(....) when it comes to things like nausea.  Not me.  I'd take nausea any day over sore throat.  I can handle vomiting.  This?  Wahhh.  Some people hate cramps.  They are lousy, but Hell, take some midol, grab a pint of ice cream and all better!  This???  Wahhhh.

I think I got it from babysitting my neices this weekend, who both had sniffles and colds.


No, I didn't mean that.... not their fault... just the sore throat....

I hope I didn't give Aaron's penis Step....

Can that happen? Heeeheeehee.  I hope not. 

Anyway. The only thing that helps, that I have found in all my years, is TYLENOL SORE THROAT **LIQUID**  The liquid part is key.  Don't even bother with pill form.  Drink some of the awful blue potion, and know some relief.  Or suffer miserably.  Those are the options.  Unfortunately for me, this time of year I find that TYLENOL SORE THROAT IQUID is kinda thin on the ground.  Let's hope I stocked up after the last sore throat.  I don't own a fire extinguisher, but I'll be damned if I let my supply of Tylenol Sore Throat run low--- that would be an emergency!!  If it has run low or os--godforbid--all gone, then we all know who to blame....

And if that's the case, then, hell, I DO hope I gave his penis Strep!!

Wahhh :(

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