Saturday, November 12, 2011

A Gamer-iffic holiday!

Things that I did in the name of sanity/self-indulgence/self-therapy yesterday:

Woke up super early and dragged the hubs to SAVERS for their Veteran's Day half-off sale!  I got some cute stuff, not as much as last time, but still.  Plus a couple pairs of shoes I like too, and Aaron got some good stuff :)

Got Mary Lou's coffee on the way!  TREAT!

Returned home from savers and tried stuff on because I was not putting myself through the bullshit of the Savers veteren's day half-off sale dressing room Nazi and her bullshit out-of-control dressing room attitude problem, rules, and restrictions.  Nope nope nope.  THere's only so much a quick-blooded Irish can take, and I was already at my absolute limit with the fucking shoppers, no way was I gunna suffer through that dripping cuntsicle.  Could I have saved money had I tried things on in store and eliminated items that did not fit or did not look as good on my body as they did on the rack?  sure thing.  But remember, we're talking a half-off sale at a deep-discount thrift store.  So, all told I probably would have saved 10-15 buckaroos.  Me not having a toatal-fucking-breakdown and ripping the dressingroom Nazi's hair out over deep-discount thrift store merch?  Priceless.

Discovered that one item of clothing turned Aaron on very, very much and had an amazing morning of fun in the bed. 

Then a nap.  a long, long, hearty, healthy, pleasant, worry-free nap.  Sated, satisfied, sexified, splendiferous nap.  We both needed it.  It has been a long few weeks.  Our bodies very much appreciated the recuperation!

Awoke in a cuddly, cozy, cherished sort of mood and basked in it.

Showered.  An as-long-as-I-feel-like-it shower, because I didn't have to rush to work, and I wasn't fall-down-tired and about to stumble into bed.

Departed for an eveing of games at my brother's, but on the way stopped at muthafucking gamestop to buy myself a new, BRAND NEW goddamned video game.  A luxury.

Had my sister-in-law's delicious cooking-- last night she went with vegetarian chili and cornbread and it was mouthwatering, filling, and comforting!  Played with my neices until it was time for their bed times.  Had a fun night of convo and games with my brother and sister-in-law.  In fact!  We played CRANIUM TURBO EDITION, which we'd picked up for 5 fucking dollars at savers, and it was mint-- never even been opened.  This game would easily retail for fifty dollars, and we got it for 5.  It was super fun.  A definite improvement on the fun of cranium.  It moves faster, it has more hilarious categories-- our favorite was the one where you have to move your partner like a marionette to get them to guess the secret word on the card (hula dancer, playing guitar, florist...)  Hilarity ensued!

Came home, immediately checked out this online starwars MMORPG that I was selected to fucking BETA TEST (WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOT!!!!!!); also started my new xbox video game with much enthusiasms.  After playing that for a chunk of time I went back to the MMORPG whilst aaron dozed dreamily on the couch.

Discovered when my cell alarm went off that it was 4:30 in the AM.  They warned me MMORPGs are to gamers what booze and crack are to addicts, and holy hell are they right.  Where the fuck did that time go?? 

Decided to take a two-hour nap to get powered up for a day of laundry, cleaning, grading, lesson-planning, and hopefully more gaming??!!??!!??!!

Aaron and I have decided to head to the laundromat, as we're so behind in the laundry sitch that it makes more sense to attack it on all cylinders.  The dinky double-decker apartment sized washer here at our building will not suffice.  So when I sign off we shall depart for a good chunk of time.

It is actually more fun than you'd think when you're with someone you enjoy hanging out with, and when it was your choice to go, rather than the only option you have for doing laundry (I've lived that wretched hell and will never take an in-house washer and dryer for granted ever ever again).


Enjoy your saturday.  I'mma do my best to both enjoy myself AND be productive.  When laundry's done there's still dishes, and bullshit, and organization, and a bathroom that I would be ashamed to let a hobo use... it never seems to end and it never seems to get much better.

And I warned myself that I wouldn't be allowed to do a thanksgiving here if we didn't get this place in order.  It is starting to look lik that's gunna be the case, which makes me sadpants.

But!  Off to the laundromat!

Huzzah! (my new video game is all medieval-ly) and may the force be with us (the MMORPG is starwars!)

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