Monday, January 03, 2011

The Obligatory New Years Resolution Post!

Thank you all for a wonderful year.  A year of feeling listened to and supported.  And inspired.

I realize I gripe alot, and complain, but I hope I temper that with gratitude and love.  Because I am grateful, and I do love.  I love with my whole being, unabashedly, unreservedly.  And I feel so blessed by so very many things in my life.

Resolutions for 2011

(Isn't this how Bridget Jones' Diary starts?)

Take daily vitamins!  I started today!  Woohoo!

Cut out Junk food!  (With the exception of some home-made goodies, I am doing well so far!)

Write Daily (Rocky start so far... but, see next resolution!)

Practice Optimism.  I almost wrote 'Be' Optimistic, but the trained actor in me shuddered and refused to write it.  One can't hope to succeed with a directive like 'be'.  Instead, it is always better to choose an action verb.  Be is passive.  'Practice' is a much more doable verb, you know?  And empowering.  I also want to note, while I'm calling attention to a shift in perspective and attitude, that I chose a positive verb for the junk food thing.  I almost wrote 'No More Junk Food' or 'Give up', but chose to frame it in a more pro-active way.  A motivating way.  Instead of thinking 'Oh, poor me, I can't have this anymore...' I have taken the same stance I did when I went Vegetarian.  I am in control of what goes in my body (well... unless I've had too much to drink and my husband takes advantage ;), I am the gatekeeper, the master of my impulses and am even a bit of an avenger!  It makes me feel more excited about the challenge, whereas before I felt reluctant, resentful, and recalcitrant.

Tackle finances\financial planning.  I want to take a leaf out Danielle's book.  She is very, very skilled at planning, at managing her finances, at being 'on the ball' where that is concerned.  She is excellent at doing all the grown up things that make me shudder and cringe.  So I wish to be brave and level-headed and in-charge like she is.  Because Danielle, unlike other people who are similarly in-charge, maintains a bohemian ideal despite the cold-hard number crunching.  She is still a free spirit, but can also pay bills on time.  She lives her life and enjoys her life and can simultaneously build a good credit rating!  So that's a goal.  And a challenge.  But, see the above resolution!  'I think I can, I think I can, I think I can!'

Related to the above resoultion, but its own animal altogether:  GET A FULL TIME TEACHING JOB
*And then choose to enjoy it, embrace it, and thrive in it.

See More of My Friends and Love Ones!  This has been so good for my soul and my spiritual health!  I know it's not easy to juggle and manage time, but it is so very important.  Who's with me???

Read more.  A play a week would be good, in addition to other fiction. 

Pick up a new hobby\skill!

Take better care of myself.  The vitamins are but one step in this undertaking.  I will need to exercise in some capacity, so I'll need to figure out what works for me!  If I plan on being a mother I will need to have energy and stamina and good health! 
Oh shit.  I just remembered I have to choose a PCP for my health insurance.  I'd better do that!
 And make an appointment.  Make sure all the things are working. 
Also.  I may seek someone for mental health.  We shall see.  I'd of course like to manage on my own.  But.  Well.  I'd also rather not resort to thinking about hairdryers in the bathtub everytime life gets rocky or I get a little blue.

So, to recap (for my benefit more than yours I'm sure:)

Healthy Eating
New Hobby
See Friends\Loved Ones

Whew.  That's a tall order.  I'd also like to shave my legs more (and I'm betting Aaron would appreciate that as well), and maybe have more fun with cosmetics and hair care. 

Okay.  I've babbled on plenty for today.

Be warned:  As part of my Write More objective this year, I plan on forcing myself to post more fiction.  I've had a major slow down and I don't like it.  I need to jump-start my creativity, and I think it helps to put the pressure on a lil bit.  So, whether you read it or you don't, the fiction will be forthcoming!

Have a great day!  And a great new year!

Love Always,


1 comment:

Yelp! said...

Hey Lady Pants! Thanks for the shout out! I'm glad you think I'm so 'on the ball'. . . I don't always feel that way, especially when I was first unemployed. :(

Anyway, as you say, let's move on with something more positive. . . I'm totes on board with more friend visits - especially if you are cooking! LOL. I never knew you had such yumminess cooking hidden in there?! How could I not know, right?! Oh! Maybe that can be your new hobby! LOL. I'm taking up baking, you know, cause of my new mixer.

I too will begin the search for employment this year - I mean - search for teaching employment - so we can team up for support.

2011 is gonna rock!