Sunday, February 05, 2012


I am a New England Girl, raised in an Irish Catholic Household--so naturally I'm rooting for the Patriots.

But I am not actually watching the Superbowl or partaking in any of the overblown festivities. 

My husband is more of a Madonna fan than I am (his Bi side reard its head in such peculiar ways.  Like, I like Madonna, but he pretty much knows her discography.  Its pretty adorable to watch him singing along in the car.  He knows all the lyrics and I just stare at his bearded majesty sing 'pappa don't preach' in hearty falsetto, and shake my head in wonder.)  so we aren't even really bothering with the half-time show.  We don't have TV, so we'd have to find a live stream, and hell, we didn't even bother with that for the State of the Union this year (we have in years previous), so I'd feel pretty guilty...

I babysat today whilst my brother and my SIL went looking at houses.  Had fun with the neices.  Maggie told me: "I like you Auntie Bess."  (She can't form the 'th' sound, she isn't comparing me to the radiant Queen Elizabeth the First.)  She said it like it was a discovery, like she'd just decided this and needed to share.  I thanked her and told her I loved her to pieces.

I'm looking down the barrel of an all-nighter.  So much work to do.  I swear, I look at my paycheck every two weeks and despair.  There is no WAY I'm getting paid NEARLY enough.

This week we need to somehow pull together persuasive essays.  Plus there's a fucking half day this week so that I can endure the ridiculousness of Parent Teacher conferences. 

But guess what?  Then there's onbly one more week to FEBRUARY VACATION!  What?!?  I can hardly believe it!

And much of that week will be spent on the Unit exam, so... YAY!

Well, yay for me.  Not so much for the kiddies.  heeheehee.

We're down to one car and the one car has to go to the mechanic tomorrow.  Gross.  Aaron's carpooling with a friend, which will be nice, but we don't want to make a habit.

And I have to depend on my mother again.  She tricked me this weekend.  TRICKED me.  And used my lack of car against me.  Tricked me to come over and clean the bird cage, when I THOUGHT I was going over for a quick 20 minute task.  THREE HOURS LATER, and pissed the fuck off, I was driven home.  And too furious and disgruntled to do anything at all productive.

So tonight will be a marathon of getting shit the fuck done.  And a cheers season 5 marathon!  woot.  I love the little things-- the way they almost always dress Sam and Dianne in reds and blues (or pinks and blues).  So classic.  Coach is dead now, which is sad, but Woody is fanfuckingtastic.

Anyway... off to work...grumblegrumble...

Go Pats!


Yelp! said...

i hate cheers. the only thing i cheers to is beers. end.

B. Incomparable said...

The soul of a poet! I heart you to bits.