Saturday, February 25, 2012


Is there anything more cathartic than really, really cleaning the bathroom?  I mean a down dirty, every-nook-and-cranny kind of clean?

Oh, but there is.  Taking down the Christmas tree that's been up since Christmas 2010! 

I did both today, and laundry, and made bread, and cleaned the living room, and I'm still going!

No writing still.

No school work still.

But godammit if I didn't finally match all the socks in the giant laundry basket o'socks!  You would just fall over to see me so adorably domestic!  I mean, guys, I hung curtains!  I mean, I did it with thumbtacks (reminded me of being like 9 years old and deciding I wanted a canopied bed with curtains come hell or high water), but they look adorably bohemian!

Ind the good news is that the living room is now clean and tidy and after some sweeping and wipe downs with the clorox wipes, it'll be ready for me to grade all the papers!  Woohoo!

XOXO donna fucking reed

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