Monday, September 03, 2012


The worry is that I'm not exactly giving this new job my all.  That I'm holding back.   Seems like there are a few possible explanations to this.  Though explanations do not cure, they ... well... they must do something, right?

Explanation 1:  I am naturally once bitten and thusly twice shy.  I gave every fibre of my being to the job last year and when measures I came up wanting!  It hurts like hell to be given the old heave-ho in the first place, but to be given the old heave-ho when you're deeply invested in becoming the best you can be for the kids, the school, and yourself?  yick.  My therapist says I'm still not over it.  I wonder "Well, when can I get over it please?"  but hey.

Explanation 2:  Not entirely unrelated to reason 1, but still... I don't love my career.  I don't.  There are elements I like powerfully enough to approximate love, I think.  But mostly?  I'm not as passionate about it as most of my peers, and thus I feel diminished right out of the gate.  I don't love it and so I end up kinda dreading it.

Explanation 3:  THis is DEFINITELY related to the others;  I don't know what the fuck I'm doing.  Aaron says I should stop saying this.  That it isn't true.  That by saying it as often as I do but becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy.  But.  It is the god's honest truth.  I am qualified for this career on paper. But I am not qualified to do this job.  I know it in my heart, I know it intellectually, I know it in my fucking bones.  And I spent all of last year acting like I was new but definitely qualified, and you know what?  I'm tired of pretending.  And I did everything within my power to get more competent--I swear!  I listened, I watched, I read--I attended professional development and extra professional development, and more on top of that.

But.  Nope.  Not even a bit.  I sit down to lesson plan and it is torture.  Other people?  Sounds like fun to them.  IS fun for most!  Seems like it would be creative and liberating and exciting.  I guess it should be.  For me it is misery.  Drudgery.  Every bit of it means me making decisions that I'm doubting and second-guessing and stabbing around in the dark and hoping I have got something half-decent.

I'm a fraud.  A Charlatan.   An Imposter.  I'm an individual who is bright and can read and write well enough to bullshit my way into an English Teacher's requirements for education in this state and now I have this awesome responsibility and . . .

I feel trapped.  And guilty. 

The poeple I work with have been so welcoming and supportive.  The kids seem really great.  The community is lovely.  And all I can think is how I'm gunna fail them all.

Welcome to what its like for Ms. Reardon every morning noon and night.


1 comment:

Yelp! said...

i suggest getting your esl license and trying that! its like english, but awesomer becuase, well, you know!