Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Making a List!

I have been wanting to post!  I'm keeping little mental notes now that get tagged as "To Blog!".

Perhaps this means a minor renaissance. 

Quick, avert your eyes!  The minor renaissance gets all self concious and won't do it while people are watching.

Ok.  Because I'm a forgetful person I've decided to make an ACTUAL list, rather than a MENTAL list, so that I can refer back to it as needed.  The deceptive permanent ether of the internet is preferable to the intangible that is my mind.

* Stones
* Apothecary
* Medicine

See?  I've already forgotten some of hat I'm sure I was going to write?  Writers gotta write!  Even we virtually unreadable writers!  I tend to score incredibly high on the verbal/linguistic scale according to Mr. Gardner.  My intelligence tends toward WORD SMART.  Though because of my incredibly low score on logical/mathematical I am shit at scrabble.  I never angle to play the triple word score and double-letter bullshit.  I just like to make words, man!  I don't calculate the points until AFTER  i decide upon my word and place it.  That's why I'll only ever accidentally win at scrabble.

Ok.  Wait.  What just . . .

My list.  Right.

*New Wave?
*Politics (sort of)
*Eclectic Shops & Antique stores

Probably also my job.



Will do.

Next post will be about one of those things.

I am actually excited.

Maybe later.

I'm home sick.  I love the autumn but every change of season lays me low!  I enjoyed every crisp, chilly moment of yesterday's first autumnal-feeling drive to work, though I knew it would fell me!


1 comment:

*A* said...

I'm quite excited by all of those topics!