Tuesday, March 06, 2012

Metaphorically speaking

Took the day today to get fucking grading done.  I seriously lack the time and organizational skills required to do this job properly.  Or the attention span.  My therapist thinks I may have ADD.  Also, mood disorders tend to manifest in an inability to focus, hence the ADD symptoms.  We'll see when we get my meds right if I can miraculously get my life together or what.

In a fluke of fate, Aaron also took the day off.  He'd been having some disturbing chest pains.  He opted not to go to the MD, so let's hope all is well with that.  It was nice having him home, though I wish it hadn't been for a reason that was causing him distress and pain.

Liking therapy, but wishing, as I'm sure everyone does, that there were a simple solution and a quick fix.  Looking, I guess, for a miracle.

Looking to enjoy the things I once loved.  Looking to stop being so cripplingly self-critical.  Looking to find alot more silverlinings than storm clouds.  Looking, ultimately, to find a way to make peace with mediocrity--the nemesis I have been fighting and loathing and slowly becoming for years and years.

They assure me that self actualization will come, in time.

I'm tired.  So fucking tired.

Off to make a lackluster powerpoint about figurative language!  Ciao!

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