Friday, April 15, 2005



Was the Sox fan "Swatting" at Yankee Sheffield? Not from the angle of the multiple replays I saw. Was he a stupid fan for reaching for a ball that is still in play? Yes. Are there plenty of stupid fans out there? Yes- and somehow they all get seats right along the perimeter of the field, but nevertheless a stupid fan does not necessarily equal a combative or instigative fan. NOTHING, and I mean NOTHING excuses a professional baseball player losing his cool in such a way as to wildly lash out into the stands- thereby striking not only his "intended" target but a nearby woman as well? Good thing there hadn't been a little kid over there right?

This incident, while LESS drastic and dramatic than the Basketball one last season, hearkens back to the old question regarding decorum and unstable athletes playing a child's game for a living. It is disgusting. It is inexcusable. If a spectator had jumped onto the field and gone running at a player, then, by all means, let the player defend himself. The reason being: That fan, by virtue of the decision to cross that boundary, had thus forfeited his rights as a spectator and had become an unpredictable hostile; a loose cannon; and had broken the law.

The difference here is that a player- on a playing field protected with security and police officers, took it upon himself to dole out some justice that he rationalized ALL night. If you've ever been at Fenway, you'll doubtless be familiar with the incessant taunting and jibing that goes on. Last night Mr. Giambi had to put up with near ceaseless jeers of STER-OIDS, STER-OIDS every time he got up to bat. Boston is almost infamous for the overwhelming power of the fanforce- so Sheffield was probably hearing an earful this night. But it is not some roman amphitheatre. It is not a gladiator ring. NOTHING in this situation EXCUSES A LASHING OUT RETALLIATION OF FISTS BETWEEN A PLAYER and bystanders.

This MUST NOT be tolerated by the establishment. Major League Baseball MUST lay down the law here. And if there is a problem with too much fan interference (which there definately is) that too should be adressed in a firm and practical manner ASAP.

On another note- even a little-leaguer knows to take care of business FIRST and throw a tantrum SECOND. What a CLOWN- he had the ball in his hand when he threw that punch. And don't even tell me he swung to break free of a grasp- he may play it off as such- but the replays show MUCH DIFFERENTLY. Play Baseball. That's all you have to do.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Spaz!!
What gets me more upset is the sneaky little bastard that stuck his hand out between the scared woman & a man, and deliberately threw the beer at Sheffield's back, and then snuck back into crowd behind the man and woman. What if Sheffield turned and thought the woman did it? That was a sneaky deliberate act of cowardice and was more intolerable than the man who scraped Sheffields face, whether intentional or not. I thought Sheffield acted instinctively, as anyone who was hit in the face would, and to his credit did restrain himself after throwing home. I thought for sure Foulke was gonna blow the game in the 9th.
luv ya ttfn