Tuesday, April 26, 2005

City Of Champions

Well I spent a lovely- if far too brief - weekend in Brockton Massachussetts, Shoe City, City of Champions! Mum and Dad put me up for the two nights and it was lovely to be home. While in the area i made sure to partake of two Brockton Staples: Cape Cod Cafe Pizza and various dishes from The Italian Kitchen. After that I had planned on Christo's (the finest restaurant in Brockton proper), but was so thoroughly full and well fed that I had not the room for even the smallest of Mr. Christo's World Famous Greek Salads!!!!

The Bus ride TO Boston- a rush hour greayhound from Port Authority to South Station was MISERABLE. Even though all I had to do was sit for 5 hours I felt exhausted after the journey. It was crowded and smelly and loud and very jostle-y, and I really don't feel incredibly comfortable being in such close proximity to strangers. It would have been easier if I were traveling with a friend- that way I could relax a bit, not worry overmuch if my leg should brush theirs or if, while nodding off, my shoulder or head leans their way. Not the case however. Personal Space was a big issue and I swear the gentleman sitting next to me has spiked his soda cup with vodka- the smell was potent whenever i got a whiff. All I could really do was listen to some cds and look out the window.

The Return Trip, on the other hand, was FANTASTIC! There were but a handful of us traveling on the 7:00 express back to NY , so we could all luxuriate with two seats (or more0 to ourselves. This bus was a peter pan and very comfortable. The seats were larger, the upholstry cleaner and all the accoutrements much nicer over all. There were also TV screens and the bus driver played a movie for those who cared to watch. Absolute Power with Clint Eastwood and Gene Hackman. I had homework to do however so no film viewing for Moi!!! It was great to have plenty of leg and elbow room to do my work. It all got done in no time and I relaxed for the remainder of the journey. If the trip to boston could only be like that i might go home more frequently. but i'm told the time of day that i would be traveling (friday afternoons after my classed conclude) is always quite a circus.

Seeing My family- visiting and chatting, was such a wonderful restorative. Also, seeing Pretty and Daubs (and the kittens pictured in last weeks post) was so ebjoyable. Dad and i watched the Red Sox Ring Ceremony and had Brownies; Nothing like that here in NY!!!! Mum and i went out to breakfast and Shopping!!!! What a lovely Visit. Thank you everyone who made it possible and wonderful. I only regret that the time was not longer- i would have liked to see more friends and family.

Now I'm back and there are only about 5 weeks left in the term- If this isn't crunch time, then I don't know what is!!!! Lots to do today (and this is supposed to be my light day)- Have a great day yourselves!! Love and Hugs,


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi spaz!!
Great to have you home for the weekend, even though you were very busy the whole time. Wish the brownies were better, oh well, I tried. Pretty & Daubs were excited to have seen you. Just used your dandelion weeder type thingy out front and promptly proceeded to break it!! It worked good, now I'll have to fix it. Was covered in plaster dust yesterday as I was sanding down the walls. Now to wash the woodwork and windows, paint the windows, walls and ceiling. Much to do. luv ya, study hard & prosper young Jedi.
Tweet, Meeeoooowwww ttfn