Thursday, April 28, 2005

Posting Comments

Hey Friends and Family!

What a goof I am! I am so sorry, but I didn'r realize how difficult the site can be to navigate for non-blog users. Some of you have expressed the desire to post comments from time to time, and have found it less than user-friendly. I agree, and so am here to give you the skinny! :)

OK. So you've read a blog entry that particularly interests you, or maybe you just want to let me know you were here- just scroll down to the end of that particular entry and you should see, in small text, these words in underlined script: 0 comments or maybe it says 1 comment or 2 comments etc, (depending on whether or not someone (usually Dad) has already left a comment), This is where we Begin. Click on that text.

Alright. If someone has already posted their response you will now get to read them here. Now after any posted words (or maybe there will be none so far) You will see the same font and underlined text reading: post a comment - Click that.

Now you will be directed to a page that doesn't really match my blogsite format and can look alarming, as if you've taken a misstep. But be assured- you have not and you are in the right place. The box on the Right is where you type any of your thoughts- and I don't think there's a space limit or anything. THIS IS WHERE LOTS OF PEOPLE GET MUDDLED: You probably don't have a BLOG IDENTITY or BLOG USERNAME- but that is totally OK. You DO NOT need to sign up for one in order to comment, you do not need any complications. All you have to do is post anonymously. (when you do thijs it might be nice, for my benefit, if you sign it or give me a little hint as to whom is writing heeheehee, sometimes I get a little confused.)

So at this point, after you've said your peace (piece?) there ought to be a button at the bottom that says Publish Anonymously or just plain Publish (dad will have to help me out here- since I'm a blog user it already know who I am and I don't get quite the same options as you will). Click that and your comments will be e-mailed to me and posted under Comments on the Blog! Voila! Sorry if that seems complicated- I wish I could just show you in person, that is always preferable to written directions. I mean, there are cooking instructions on a Pop-Tart wrapper but they just complicate the whole business!!!! If you are having any trouble PLEASE feel FREE to E-Mail me.

It really means alot that you all want to give me virtual good-will and cheer! But please, if it ends up frustrating you or becoming a hassle, I understand and don't feel badly about it. Just enjoy the site as I enjoy updating it for you!!

have a great day or night!!!!
Love Always,


Anonymous said...

Hey Spazhead, nice of you to try and help people thru the comment area. Heck, if I could figure it out, then anyone should be able to. In any event, if they want to publish anonymously like I do, then they should click on the underlined "comments" at the bottom of your piece ( it has an envelope with an arrow in it). This brings up the screen with POST A COMMENT page. Just type in your message, then choose how you want to post it under Choose an Identiy. I post it Anonymous by just clicking it with the mouse. Then you just click on the blue Login and Publish button, and it will be posted. However, it usually won't appear immediately, so just go back later to check it.

Anonymous said...

Hooray!!! I followed your instructions and here I am! Now what to say?? Loved the bit about meeting a fellow Brocktonian in Times Square. What a small world sometimes. I love reading all of your little updates. Keep it up. It is a great way to keep everyone in the loop. Love & kisses Mom

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