Well Everybody a HUUUUGE sigh of relief is finally due. Whooooosh. The midterms are OVER. I think something like 9 weeks have passed.In some respects I'd have to heartily agree that time flies. In some other respects I feel as if I've been here an eternity already and have the rest of time yet to go!!!
A good, solid B!!! which is good, considering I am the worst one in the class and literally could not do a time step to save my (or someone dear to me's) life!!!! From here on out we start preparing for the Final Demo. YIKES!
Alrighty. I'm pooped after a very loooong moday containing two big, anxiety ridden midterms, so this post must be brief I'm afraid. Goodnight and Godbless.
1 comment:
Yay Spazhead, a "B" in tap, that's good. Pretty says yipee. Daubs says meooow.
Just remember to put shoes on correct feet, ar ar. Good job kiddo. luv ya. ttfn
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