Friday, April 22, 2005

A Long Week in New York

Greetings from late thursday night! I am one exhausted puppy. Tonight I went to see some 4th semester showcases- and was very pleased and uplifted by them. I think I was starting to forget what all this training was adding up to. It has started to feel like drudgerey and minutia to no discernible end- but these showcases- where the folks who have put their time and effort in finally get to put it all together in a musical revue and agents and casting directors come and scout- reminded me of the joy and delight in performing. Great ensemble work throughout with a few absolute standouts- people about whom you could say without a doubt: They will be working RIGHT after they are done here. The stories (throughlines) are slim and artificial ala Act One Scene One, but the numbers were great fun and you could see how much time and effort went into these pieces- and I got to see it all for free!!! I got a big kick out of the fact that two of the numbers used were The world must be bigger than an avenue' from IRENE and 'It's Today' from MAME. Made me miss Derhead a little bit :( :)

This week has given me the blues, but the weekend should be relaxing and should charge my batteries. Aaron sent me some pictures of TheChief and TheCaptain, our twin cats, to cheer me up. I'll post a few so everyone can see how neat they are. Notice the identical swirl pattern on the boys- but their very different colored fur. TheChief is a big goober and follows Aaron around like a puppy and behaves much more like a canine than a feline. TheCaptain is the essential cool-cat. He is not quite as spastic and playful as his brother but still enjoys a good romp and chase and cuddles&sleeps as if her were the dictionary definition of Kitten.

I miss Daubs and Pretty. Maybe I'll get pictures of them next?!

As Always, Love

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Goob!!
Nice & funny pix of the cats. But Daubach & Pretty rule.
Glad you got to see some performances and relax & enjoy them. But no one can sing the Irene and Mame numbers like you do. I hear them everyday. Pretty loves to hear you sing. Put a new flea collar on Daubs the other day and the next day it wasn't there! Probably got into a tussle, and there goes $9.00. What a spaz.
luv ya, keep smiling. ttfn