The weather is GORGEOUS out today in sunny WeeBee. I kinda want to take a trip to the soggy park, but who the hell doesn't? War Memorial park will be a hoppin' place to be this day, and I hate crowds.
The more people gather in one place the stronger the odds are that I'll hate and despise some of them. Maybe I'll know someone, maybe they'll just be obnoxious or ignorant, or the trifecta: all three. You know the feeling-- you're out, looking to enjoy yourself, have a nice time and WHAM a blast from the past shows up, maybe someone from junior high or some clown you used to work with and there's this quick-flip in your gut and you try to quickly turn away but
They've seen you, and for whatever fucking reason, they want to say HELLO! Really? I haven't seen you in years, LITERALLY YEARS, and you feel the pressing need to invade my sunny day at the park with your presumtions and reminiscences? Did you not just see me try to make a beeline in the other direction while obviously averting my eyes from the very sight of you?
And then they might have this sense of humor that just DOESN'T jive with yours anymore (or maybe it NEVER did but they always thought it did?). Maybe they're racist or homophobic or super-dee-duper christian or worst: right wing. And it is just so painful to endure those torturous minutes of polite conversation and catch up, while you indulge them long wnough to hear that they're doing really well, or they're up shit creek without a paddle right now, that they've been married and have fucking kids already, or that they're getting divorced and have a kid with some other person and all you can imagine is shoving a revolver in your mouth -or theirs- and pulling the trigger, right there in the bird-chirpy, sunshiney town park.
Today the brown frothy water will run red with blooooooood!
Then you ever-so-politely, but insistently persist that it was soo nice to see them, you should see more of each other, facebook me! and walk away- eager for that safe-distance buffer-zone to stretch between you before you burst out in laughter or vitriolic epithets or just the classic: What the fuck?!
So I don't think I'll chance it by going to War Memorial park today.
But, as my friend Danielle so aptly put it: the weather is AWESOMEFACE today!
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