Saturday, August 06, 2005


Hello Friends and Family! We are entering our mid-term rush here at AMDA. I had my Acting midterm already, all next week will be dance midterms, the following week will be very high stress because I'll have Musical Theatre and VPS- both classes I really want to excel in and am very nervous about.

The acting midterm went well. My scene partner and I did a scene from David Mamet's 'The Woods', for which we recieved the stellar grade of A. We were very happy with it and so was our instructor (who happens to be the head of the acting department.).

For Musical Theatre I'll be singing a very funny vamp-y number called "Paree", where I do a silly french accent. For VPS we all have to do the witch's thing from MacBeth "double double toil and trouble..."

I love you all, miss you all and long for home very very much. I miss my family, my friends, my flowers, my pets, my own shower and home-cooked meals. But time seems to be flying by at an astonishing rate. I hope I'll be able to stay on top of things. The heat here is opressive at best and absolutely draining most of the time. And NEW YORK CITY SMELLS VILE WHEN IT HEATS UP.

I'm happy to be busy, happy to be doing (cross your fingers and knock on wood-) well. My love and affection.

--- Oh yeah, Due to a snag with miscommunication I have no internet access in my room at the present, and so must make due with the school computers- much less convenient, much less comfrotable, and there are time limits! So, apologies, I'll do my best to pop in once in a while to keep you updated!!!---

Love Always,

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Beth,

Great to hear something from the Big Apple from our City of Champions Star!
Keep up the great work, albeit hard, hard work!! YOu go girl! Love, Aunt N.