Monday, September 21, 2009

so thursday was the only good day I had! I felt physically well after having had the sore throat, and I felt emotionally excited because of seminar class that evening. School was great, then Emerson was great- I was so excited to see my Emerson pals and then Aaron and I went to see Inglourious Basterds which was absolutely fabulous!

Then Friday. Woke up feeling fine, but a little sleepy from all the thrusday activity. Midmorning I started to drag and feel queezy- I figured it was the spanx holding too firm a grip on m'jelly, but it didn't go away when I took them off that afternoon and then it happened: I got a flipping cold. Sneezing, runny nose, stuffy nose, achy, miserable, whiney, bitchy, unhappy and very grumpy cold.

It lasted ALL WEEKEND. In fact, I was supposed to go to U2- my favorite band of all time, and I was too sick even for that.

One good day- thursday, that was all.

Aaron was fabulous to me though- he took such good care of me and kept my spirits up. I love him to pieces.

And I woke up this morning for school feeling a great deal better- which is fortunate because today was my first day teachin g a lesson of my own! The assignment was to create 2 commercials using a random prop. It went over pretty well. Bob gave me good feedback.
I spent the whole day with a dry, red, peeling nose but felt a great deal healthier (thank the heavens, and only started to get rundown toward the end of the day).

I'll be teaching one of my lessons again on friday.

But I'd like to write more before then so keep an eye out.

Cross your fingers that I stay well!

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Appetite for Life!

I woke up this morning with an appetite for the first time in close to a week! It is a good thing I took the day yesterday. On the one hand I hate people who call in sick, but on the other hand it makes the most sense. what good is it to go in like a zombie, miserable and out-of-it, wearing down your already struggling and strained body and offering nothing productive to the situation? Taking the day was just the thing I needed to recover in the most timely fashion- and isn't that the smartest thing? the most pro-active thing to do?

So today is thursday and I'm about to jump back into the swing of things. I also start my classes at Emerson again today! So, in honor of finally feeling better and finally rejoining my friends in Boston, I decided to wear the fiercest shirt I bought for back-to-school. It was a splurge, it was unnecessary, but even Aaron encouraged me to damn all the consequences and go get this effing shirt. It is shark grey with a zipper across collar which creates a boat-neck effect- but not your first lady's boatneck, a boatneck with a hard metal edge! grrrr! If I wanted to I could unzip one side and wear it over one shoulder! Or unzip both sides and wear it off both shoulders! Whoa Mrs. Robinson, back that cougar train up! I'll save the off-the shoulder bit for later with the Husband :)

Speaking of-- Aaron has arranged to take the info tour at Cambridge culinary college today as well! I'm hoping to zip up to porter square and join him after my class, but given the unpredictability of both Emerson and the T, I'm not certain I'll make it on time.

But If I Do I will look fierce!


Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Sore Throat

So just as I make my pledge to blog more I get stricken with a sore throat. No, a sore throat does not impede my ability to type, per se, but it drastically impacts my mood and disposition. In short- I am a bear. I am an absolute whine-y bitch when I have a sore throat. I would rather any of the other common ailments, but sore throats are my Kryptonite.

They used to do the Blessing of Saint Blaise at my church and if you aren't Catholic you will likely not have experienced this. The blessing is intended to ward off sore throats and mouth cancer\throat cancer because Saint Blaise had a terrible lisp or a studdering problem or something, but anyway it's a great blessing to get right? Especially for a little girl who HATES sore throats and always seems bound to get one at least once a year (at the worst possible time-- do you think its psychosomatic?).

Anyway the blessing isn't just a sign of the cross and a few mumbled words and you're done, oh no. The priest takes two long tapre candles, crosses them into an "x" (I guess come to think of it it mught be in the shape of the cross and not an "X", but the effect is exactly the same), and then puts the crook of the X up to your throat while you stand there and he says the appropriate prayer.

To a little kid this looks very much like ritualized assault. It looks like strangulation without the stuggle. I always panicked at the idea of giving the priest such power-- what if he decided to strangle me for any reason? No thank you. It would be too easy.

So as a kid I always chickened out and I always got sore throats. When I was older, in highschool I finally screwed up enough courage to do it- and it was kind of a rush! It was not scary and no, the candles aren't lit (else our hair would definitely go up in flames!)-- though I do wonder if back in the middle ages they had been lit as part of the ceremony....

But I got the worst sore throat of my life that year right as I was supposed to take the stage as star of the annual high school musical, soooooooo. Draw your own conclusions.

Even though it didn't work that year I still think of St. Blaise whenever I am stricken with the grating, raw pain of a very sore throat and wonder if he's looking down at me and studdering: "I t-t-t-t-told you suh-suh-suh-so!"

Friday, September 11, 2009


its 5:48 in the AM on friday of my second week. This is a pledge that I will be making more time to blog and to blog honestly and analytically about my experience and the details of what teaching is all about.

I am, however, not prepared to be blogging right now as I'm not dressed, not caffinated, and not ready for work.

Hopefully before I fall into a coma after work today I'll be a ble to do a recap of the week. Alot happened and I've had planty of thoughts on all of it.

I loved the President's Health Care Speech btw, and it was a hell of alot more inspirational than his message to the students. I really truly wish that all the folks who made a big deal about that speech could be made to look like the jack asses that they are. I mean, I REALLY wish it. I want it as much as I want to win the lottery.

On that note- today is a somber day and a great opportunity to explore emotions and feelings through drama and acting. But we won't. We will play a name game and the freeze game.

More to come.

Monday, September 07, 2009


So I'm pretty broke. It really is quite serious. From here on out I absoulutely cannot spend money on anything other than essentials- and essentials do not include office supplies, exotic fruit, a night at the lux level, or more effing clothes.

Aaron and I will have to learn to content ourselves with dinner in every night and a lot less of it for that matter!

He says I am allowed to continue playing the lottery, but only one, count it, ONE ticket. not lucky number 7. not one every time I swing by the convenience store. no one a day. one. only one. Now my big dilemma is whether or not it should be a quick pick or if I should choose the numbers. UGH! being a libra makes this conundrum impossible. If I do quick pick and my numbers come up I will probably hurl myself off a bridge- but every time I choose numbers and they fail to appear I feel like a silly failure. yikes- right?

I put away the kitchen remodeling magazines and all that junk. Probably should have thrown them out, but I filed them away for later use. And I am officially reporting here and now that I no longer feel a stirring of any sort in my bosom or anywhere else when I look at photos of the house on Arlington street.

I do, however, feel a distinctly grim melancholy about the state of our finances and the persistent belief that we will NEVER be able to afford a house. at all.

Probably we will- but the feeling is there none the less. And no house means no kids- so yes, that hurts too.

And as happy as I've been with student teaching so far, I admit freely that I wish I didn't have to go back tomorrow. Thank god for the long weekend! I spent almost all of saturday sleeping!!! And yesterday was spent in the company of Aaron's mother and elderly but very kind boyfriend. While the day was nice, cordial and agreeable- spent on the side of a little lake in braintree- it was one giant waste of time. LOL.

And today we've been cleaning. You'd think keeping a studio clean and tidy would be easy but you'd be wrong and you'd be underestimating our ability to make royal messes in no time flat.

Thursday, September 03, 2009

The Trials and Tribulations

All right folks! It's Drama Teacher time!

This week I began the next chapter of my life- a big step- I've begun student teaching! First day was tuesday when it was just educators getting ready, no students. Lots of meetings and we have a new superintendent of schools who is youthful, energetic and adorable! Tuesday went better than I had hoped- I wasn't awkward, I was clam and actually relaxed and enjoyed myself.

Then Wednesday was DAY ONE of school. WELCOME TO BHS KIDS! AND BETH!

It went well. I can exhale. It was pretty smooth actually and I not only survived, I had a good time. You could knock me over with a feather.

Then this morning meant all new groups of kids because of the rotating schedule so it was a bit of a 'first day' again, and this one went even better than the first. I won't lie- it was tough getting going this morning, I get up soooo early and I am not and never have been a 'morning person' per se. It's tough because actors like the night, we thrive after the sun sets, but then a struggling actor on auditions has to be up at the crack of dawn and working their ass off auditioning all over the place, then probably has to work at night to be able to afford to audition all day, and then drama teachers have to pull both duties too- early in the morning and then staying late in the evening while directing a show\running the club.
There is no restful time for those in the theatre. I learned that well enough while I was on tour, so I have to stop saying "I'm not a morning person" or anything like that because to be in the theatre means being omipresent at any and all hours!

Anyway I'm having an OK time so far, but I'm really just assisting the regular drama teacher right now. Then the goal is to team-teach, share the instruction, and then after a while of that he leaves and I've got them to myself. THEN I'll probably be a nervous wreck! But for now it feels good.

I have to start all the paperwork, which goes against my grain as a creative individual- I hate to PLAN theatre, but I've had some great instructors who've helped us find creative and clever ways of bullshitting all the paperwork requirements while still feeling free enough to run a drama class properly!

Tonight I have dinner at the folks.

Knock on wood my friends, but I am feeling pretty positive and happy.

The apartment is a bloody mess, but that's a whole separate can of worms!!!!!!!!!