Wednesday, June 15, 2005

Good to be Home.

Hello, and sorry for the little dry spell. Moved out of my room in NY a little while ago and am here in good old MA for a few short weeks before I need to head back; folks, let's just ponder the absurdity of necessitating my complete move-out from the Strat when in a few short weeks I'll be moving BACK IN to the EXACT SAME ROOM! I suppose they might do some maintenance, painting, cleaning and exterminating, but yikes! P.S. for any who may have wondered: I woke up at about 6 am that morning and had exactly six hours before the fam would arrive to load my life into the van, and had I started anything in advance? No siree- to know me is to love me (harharhar) and if you know me you might have guessed I would leave it till the last minute. Let me tell you I have never cleaned\packed\organized so furiously and so completely ever in my life! I was done at ten minutes to noon and quite exhausted. Turns out they hit traffic anyhow and I would've had some wiggle room, but it got done.

Now I'm in The City of Champions and loving it immeasurably. I'm sure this is due to the fact that I'm being terribly spoiled by my family and friends for the duration of my brief stay, but this has been a great vacation thus far. Dad and I have worked outside on various projects- including the erecting of a lovely copper birdbath in the front garden. Mum and I picked out some charming flora for the front as well, and I had a very enjoyable day planting and gardening. {We won't talk about the jungle of mint and wild violet in the back yard. Three weeks home isn't nearly time enough to fight that battle- the fence is beautiful though!}
I've played board games, seen movies, watched some red sox baseball, played with pretty and daubs and seen alot of friends who are home from college! I have not practised and prepared for second semester as well as I should, but there's another week left.
My pet project has been my fairy tale. Maybe I'll make big bucks and never have to worry again. As for small bucks, I'm subbing at North jr. high tomorrow and will see about a few more days while I'm around.

Talk with you soon,


Thursday, June 02, 2005

1st Semester


Thank you to all the loyal readers of this little blog. I feel honored and grateful toward all those who took time out to keep up with my excerpts. Today, thursday the 2nd of June marks my final day as a First Semester student at AMDA. It's all down hill from here! Hahaha. No, not downhill, though I'm told the effect feels alot like a mad snowball careening out of control down a steep hill. From here on out things will get very intense, very hectic and crowded.

Today was a relative breeze compared to the other demos too. Only sight singing (the hardest part of this one was the fact that it was at 8 am and I was so wound up yesterday after Dance demos that I stated up into the wee hours of the morning, garnering maybe a total of 3 hours sleep.) and then a Musical Theatre Film Lab Exam- my only written exam here. It was very cut and dry. very anti climactic. yesterday, Musical Theatre and 2nd Round Dance Demos was the biggie- the hurdle I was fretting over.
However, fret as I frequently do, the final decision is this: They both went very well. As a class the A1's really delivered in Musical Theatre and our teacher [the head of the department, coincidentally] had tears of pride (relief?) in her eyes as she bade us a fond farewell. We really stepped it up, and I am particularly proud of my group-mates. We have become very much like a family. I love them all and in a few short hours we're going out to dinner, to celebrate and to tear up over the loss of some of our friends who have decided not to return for second semester.

Still not packed. yipes. this is not going to be an easy chore. I smell disaster. BUT nothing can crush the elation inside of me that sings: I MADE IT!!!! believe it or not (and to my frank astonishment) I ACTUALLY MADE IT! I'm one quarter of the way through!

Love and Appreciation,
Signing off from NYC,
