Hello everybody! I sincerely hope my little tutorial didn't do more harm than good and proved at least somewhat helpful. Upon re-reading I think maybe I over-complicated, but we'll see.
I am posting just a few words right now, as it is past my bed-time. The words are this:
June Third. June 3rd, folks, is the
last day of my first semester. As
May third wanes rapidly into may 4th I have to tell you how very excited I am. My second song in musical theatre is coming along quite well (knock on wood) and upon the successful completion thereof I will get to start my third and FINAL song for the term. It will be Little Girls from ANNIE which was my last minute wild card choice that I didn't really think my teacher would consider! How fun!
In VPS we are all now working on shakespeare monologues for the final demos and mine is one of Goneril's speeches from King Lear. Very nasty lady is Goneril. Lots of meaty stuff to sink my teeth into. Now I have to re-read Lear though- a daunting task when I am already swamped. Even for one who enjoys Shakespeare as I do, it isn't like skimming through nursery rhymes or even a thick but contemporary work of literature. I have my work cut out for me- and that doesn't even begin to describ how meticulous I have to be with the diction, articulation, breathing and vocal projection with the piece- since this is my VOICE PRODUCTION and SPEECH class- so I can't just act up a storm and hope my intensity makes up for any technical fuzziness. No sir, this is what my friends and collegues call: A pain in the rear end!
hahahahaahahha heeheehee. Oh well, It's good for us. I should do fine.
The dance is driving me nuts (maybe more on that later- it deserves it's own entry) sight singing is ok and acting should go well. I love my scene partner. She and I went downtown to the east village yesterday to get a sense of the setting of our scene. We had fun even though it rained. ALL the food shops looked and smelled delectable and made me wish I had brought lunch money- but we'll go again and I VOW to sample the cuisine!
Allright, I'm overdue for my 40 winks as it is- but tomorrow's post will be about the Bootleg copy of WICKED I was just watching.
Goodnight everyone- have a pleasant day!!
Love and Well Wishes