The Aviator comes out next week- Cate Blanchette will be portraying Kate Hepburn... got my fingers crossed!
Here is Cliffy from Cheers as a Rebel Officer in The Empire Strikes Back. Rain, sleet, snow- and Imperial Walkers couldn't stop this Boston mail carrier . . .
Hello Folks! I’ve been working very hard on putting an official site together so that it’s all done and functioning by the time I go away! Since I know little to nothing about computer lingo, java script, flash, and html, this process has been somewhat less than rewarding and a bit frustrating. I have an image in my head of how I want the site to look and work, but using the free programs on the internet can be mystifying at best and rip-out-your-hair-frustrating at worst. On top of the daunting challenge of acclimating my rusty brain and skills to web-site-design, I am forced to do the thing piece-meal, as we have dial-up and tieing up the phoneline for any large amount of time is no good!
I won’t even bother to put the link up yet- it’s too imbarrassing thus far, but keep checking back for the time I screw up enough courage to let you all have a peek.
Well on a lighter note- I hope Aunt and Uncle and all the family are having a great time visiting Mickey!!! Money and Eb seem to miss them a lot, but I just keep telling them to hang in there and stop pouting.