The Aviator comes out next week- Cate Blanchette will be portraying Kate Hepburn... got my fingers crossed!
Here is Cliffy from Cheers as a Rebel Officer in The Empire Strikes Back. Rain, sleet, snow- and Imperial Walkers couldn't stop this Boston mail carrier . . .
Hello Folks! I’ve been working very hard on putting an official site together so that it’s all done and functioning by the time I go away! Since I know little to nothing about computer lingo, java script, flash, and html, this process has been somewhat less than rewarding and a bit frustrating. I have an image in my head of how I want the site to look and work, but using the free programs on the internet can be mystifying at best and rip-out-your-hair-frustrating at worst. On top of the daunting challenge of acclimating my rusty brain and skills to web-site-design, I am forced to do the thing piece-meal, as we have dial-up and tieing up the phoneline for any large amount of time is no good!
I won’t even bother to put the link up yet- it’s too imbarrassing thus far, but keep checking back for the time I screw up enough courage to let you all have a peek.
Well on a lighter note- I hope Aunt and Uncle and all the family are having a great time visiting Mickey!!! Money and Eb seem to miss them a lot, but I just keep telling them to hang in there and stop pouting.
As Always,
Monday, November 29, 2004
Aunt Nancy Sent Me This One Just Recently in Honor of Uncle Bobby's Years of Prison Ministry and Sense Of Humor. Hee Heee Heee. :)
I Would Like to Congratulate and Thank Dad Reardon for being the very FIRST to leave a comment at Be Incomparable, the Beth Reardon Web Blog Site! You are the Greatest Der! Keep up the commenting you Goober!
And to the rest of the goobers out there: Feel Free To Comment! actually, what I mean is: Feel Obligated to Comment- at least once- so I know you're out there!
Hello Friends and Family! I hope everybody's Thanksgiving was enjoyable and fulfilling. At the Reardons we enjoyed a fine bird and dinner prepared by the magnificent Betty- and all was well. It took me a few days to realize it, but there was just one bit missing: corn. Ladies and gents, the Reardons have celebrated their first thanksgiving without the native vegetable! It's all good however, since, as I said it took me a few days after the fact to finally say: "Heeeeyyy!", and I'm not sure Dad noticed at all. Now that tha Holiday's over the search for a job has become rather desperate and frenzied. Good Grief! I've got apps in at a lot of pleces, but as Christmas nears I find myself biting my fingernails alot more and tapping my toes anxiously. I'm hoping Brocton Public Schools gets back to me ASAP, but I can no longer rely on this entirely. I'll keep you posted. The job is necessary for a few reasons: Firstly for gas and christmas money. Secondly, I'm hoping to save up for the Big Apple- living expenses are prohibitive there, and while I do want to diet, I'm told starvation isn't the best method soooo... and Thirdly the principal of the matter counts immensely in this household. Frankly, one needs to get off one's lazy rearend and put in some elbow grease! I'm starting to feel quite guilty and uncomfortable with nothing steady and productive to consume all my time. Sure I work on creative things- projects I hope will bring me not only artistic satisfaction but monitary gratification in the (nearish) future- and I work on bettering myself, but these are not things which outsiders can gauge or appreciate at present. Therefore, it seems to the world (such that it is) that I am a loafing lump who cruises about humming little dittys and playing around on la computadora. I am very conscious of these perceptions, and being raised with a catholic guilt complex, feel the strain of these spectators like a lead weight around my neck. Mostly these impressions are self-imposed and the guilt self-inflicted, but it makes me want to move my buns none-the-less and so here I am! Wish me luck Folks! Love and prosperity to you all! *Mmuah! -Beth
Happy Thanksgiving Friends and Family! Here's wishing everyone happiness, contentment and laughs this holiday. I know there's lots of problems and hypocrisy with the origins of this day of thanks, and we shouldn't ignore that aspect, but we are able to acknowledge the past as well as embrace the present and look to the future. I like to think of this holiday as a nice chance to take stock. And, taking the good and the bad, all in all, breathing a nice sigh of relief and recognizing the bittersweet beauty of the life we're leading or dwelling in. Nothing new really, this message is pretty standard, but sometimes forgotten or shoved to the background of our busy lives. Personally, I realize that I have so very much to be thankful for. Sure, there's things that I wish were not so, circumstances that seem unbearable, and events that I wish I could alter- but on the whole life is pretty wonderful. I am loved, truly, honestly, unconditionally. I love- I love selflessly so many amazing people- people I consider myself lucky to have the good fortune of knowing or being related to. And the future looks bright. There will always be money issues, health issues and relationship troubles. But as long as I have my faculties- the brain, talent and ingenuity I have been gifted with, earned, or been taught, there will always be a way to find funding. There will be faith and medicine and advances in science. There will ever be communication, a chance to work things out and improve. This site is part of my thanksgiving. It's a tribute really, to all of those who heve supported me and continue to watch with crossed fingers as I take my first steps into a larger world. Thank you all, once again, for the love, the laughs, the applause and the hugs. I won't need flowers as long as I have your smiles- I won't need millions unless the currency is embraces. Thank you. Happy Thanksgiving!
Hello! I took this survey and thought it might be fun for others to do the same. I wonder what sorts of things you can tell about a person by their taste in movies- or their responses to this survey at any rate. I had fun thinking over the questions, and hope to see your responses in a little while. E-mail your answers or leave them as a comment if you don't have a blog spot. Thanks! -B.
The Alphabet of Movie Madness!!! The Movie Personality Survey
Fill out any and all answers that apply to you. If you don’t know the genre, leave it blank. Don’t agonize over the questions, this is meant to be an insight into the real you, for your friends and family. It’s Okay to use an answer more than once. There will be no word bank. No looking to your neighbor’s paper. What\Who is your favorite…
Movie of all time: The Lion in Winter (1968)
Action Movie: Jurassic Park
Adventure Flick: The Goonies
Actor: Actress: Kate Hepburn
Animal Star or Co-Star: Chewbacca
Bad Remake: The Brady Bunch Movie
BioPic: Amadeus
Black and White: It’s a Wonderful Life
Bacon: Kevin? I liked Mystic River Capra Movie: Mr. Smith Goes to Washington
Cameo: Kevin Bacon in Planes Trains and Automobiles
Classic Film: The Philadelphia Story
Comedy: What About Bob?
Costume Drama: Gone with the Wind
Comic Book Movie: Comic Book, The Movie
Cult\underground hit: Mallrats, Boondock Saints
Director: Spielberg, for sheer entertainment value; Baz Lurhman for the art and innovation
Disney Movie: Aladdin, Little Mermaid, Emperor’s New Groove
Epic: Lord of the Rings
Elizabeth Taylor Picture: Cleopatra
Film Noir: The Big Lebowski
Fantasy adventure: The never ending story
Gore and Guts Movie: Seven(?)
Movie Hero: Indiana Jones
Movie Heroine: Margo Channing (all about Eve)
High-Brow film: The Red Violin
Hitchcock film: Rear Window
Hepburn Movie: Kate: Lion in Winter or Philly. Audrey: Sabrina or Roman Holiday
International movie: Life is Beautiful
Independent Movie: Clerks
Judge and Jury tale: A few good men
Kevin Kline movie: French Kiss
Kid’s movie: Honey I shrunk the Kids or Harry Potter (Azkaban)
Love Story: Moulin Rouge
Leading Lady: The incomparable Ms. Katharine Hepburn
Leading Man: Cary Grant
Movie you love to hate: Half Baked
Mystery flick: Suddenly, Last Summer
Murder\maniac\madness\mayhem movie: Murder by Death
M. Night Shyamalan Movie: Sixth Sense
Movie Musical: hmmm. . . 1776 or Moulin Rouge
Mock-u-mentary: Spinal Tap and Drop Dead Gorgeous
Night to go out to the cinema: Any
Novel-made-movie: Sense and Sensibility, LOTR, Harry Potter
Overrated Movie: Casablanca
Parody: Spaceballs
Pirate: Captain Hook
Play-turned-into-movie: The Birdcage
Prison Movie: the Shawshank Redemption
Production Company: LucasFilm ltd.
Movie Princess: Buttercup from Princess Bride, Grace Kelly in The Swan and Leia
Quiet Favorite that you hate to love: The Scarlett Letter with Gary Oldman
Romp: Animal House
Romantic Comedy: Sleepless in seattle
Remake: Clueless as a revamped remake of Emma (Austen)
Screwball Comedy: Bringing up Baby
Satire: Dr. Strangelove or how I learned to stop worrying and love the bomb
Sidekick: Shorty from Temple of Doom; R2D2; Hooch from Turner and Hooch
Supporting Actor: J.T. Walsh, John C. Reilly, Alan Rickman
Supporting Actress: Alison Janney
Scoundrel: Han Solo
Movie Soundtrack: Goodfellas
Movie Score: Star Wars 1977
Spielberg Film: Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade
Sci-Fi movie: Star Wars episode IV A New Hope
Tear Jerker: Steel Magnolias and\or Terms of Endearment
Technicolor: The Wizard of Oz
Teen Movie: Cruel intentions
Tom Hanks Movie: Forrest Gump; Apollo 13; Turner and Hooch
Movie Trilogy: this is tough. It would have been starwars but that is nolonger a trio. Indy is pretty good but here comes Indy 4. Lord of the Rings is a solid Trilogy, and I’m going to have to go with Back to the Future for a runner up.
Made for T.V. Movie: The Tenth Kingdom
Underrated Movie: The Emperor’s New Groove; Episode 2
Under Water Movie: Hunt for Red October
Villain: Vader
War Movie: Patton
X-Rated Movie: NC-17: Young Adam With Ewan’s McGregor
Yule movie: It’s a Wonderful Life
Zombie Flick: Sean of the Dead
And now for a little questionaire:
What is the first movie you can remember seeing in the cinema? Aladdin
What is your first movie memory? Watching Return of the Jedi Over and Over and Over.
What is the last movie you rented? The Pillow Book
Ordered off the cable? Cheaper by the Dozen
What is the last movie you went to see in the cinema? Alfie
Who did you go with? Aaron
What movie do you put on when you’re in a bad mood? Lion in Winter
What movie lulls you to sleep? Amadeus
What movie gets your creative juices flowing? Lion in Winter
Have you ever dressed up for a movie premiere? Oh, yes, yes I have.
Have you ever Dressed up for The Oscars? Yes. Yes again.
Have you ever been a movie extra? No- I tried for Mystic Rivah but was rejected.
What movie have you been trying to see and still have not had the opportunity? Cold Mountain
What would you say your significant other’s favorite film is? Life is Beautiful or Starwars
Your Mom’s? Something with Streisand.
Your Dad’s? Torra! Torra! Torra! And jurassic park.
You best friend’s? Boondock Saints and Super Troopers for Al;
What remake would you like to see made? Arsenic and Old Lace
Name your top five favorite moviestars\actors of all time: How about 5 of each?
Kate Hepburn, Peter O’toole, Gary Oldman, Bette Davis, Jude Law, Jimmy Stewart, Liz Taylor, Anthony Hopkins, Grace Kelly, Maggie Smith
Top Five Moviestars or actors you can’t stand? Meryl Streep, Leo DiCaprio, Gwyneth Paltrow, Kevin Costner, Sandra Bullock, Movie Snack of Choice? Kettle corn popcorn, and raisinettes
Greetings friends and family! This blog space, or as I like to call it- Journal, is intended to keep any and all who are interested up to speed with my life while I'm away. So many people have been so very supportive along the way, have stuck by me through the years of highs and lows, that I figured this might be a fun way to keep you all abreast of any new and exciting events. Well. This summer, july I believe it was, I auditioned for the AMDA the American Musical and Dramatic Academy in Manhattan, NY. The Audition went fairly well in my opinion, I didn't choke and I refused to crumble in intimidation- you should have heard the incredible voices of these applicants! I also didn't trip- which usually happens at an audition or job interview. Maybe my lack of clumsiness was a sign, because after the fiasco with my references was cleared up (another story another time) I recieved a letter and a packet from said school informing me of my acceptance! I have been accepted as a student of Musical Theatre and will begin classes in February (knock on wood) should all the financial Aid be wourked out. I did recieve a $2,000.oo scholarship based solely on my audition, which is flattering, and I hope the need-based ones will follow! It is currently november. I'm getting very anxious to get to the big apple. For now I need to focus on getting a job for the holidays and getting in shape- as I'll be required to take ALOT of dance and movement classes when I do finally get to school. I'm really excited about the Tap and Jazz, but am more than dreading the ballet. Yikes. Oh well, I'm smiling- no I'm beaming! This is what I've wanted since my senior year of high school, and I've had a lot of time to mature and to be ready for this- come what may! Well, that's all for now folks! I hope to figure out this picture deal and sound clips- that could be really fun for the future- but Rome wasn't built in a day, as the expression goes, and I've got to get some shut eye. Thanks for Reading!
BETH REARDON I'm shopping around for the best location to do this. I've looked at Xanga and have emotional ties to Livejournal, but this space looks really innovative and fun. This is a test post, just to see how it looks. What Studied Torments Tyrant, Hast for me? What wheels? racks? fires? What Flaying? Bioling? In leads or oils? What old or newer toture must I recieve Whose ev'ry word deserves to taste of thy most worst?